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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aguarius Pisces
Aries Taurus Gem Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp Sage Capri Aquar Pisces
For March 24-30, 2025
Aries Aries
(March 21-April 20)

Image: "At midnight, a jazz band in a crowded music hall"
Message: Celebration and belonging.

Before mid-week relationships have a powerful influence; romantic emotions will be running high over the coming few days so make sure you remain sensitive to the wants and needs of friends and lovers. Others will be feeling a strong desire for love, romance and closeness. Watch, however, for the moody, passionate types (fire signs mostly) to change their minds or appear indecisive in love this week. All of this romantic intensity will pass quickly, however, so pace yourself wisely and expect others to appear unpredictable and dramatic. After Wednesday money decisions and new business information are also on the agenda. Areas most strongly affected are unusual changes in written agreements, legal contracts or financial documents: stay open to quick solutions and creative ideas.

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