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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aguarius Pisces
Aries Taurus Gem Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp Sage Capri Aquar Pisces
For July 20-26, 2024
Aguarius Aquarius
(January 21-February 19)

Image: "In Oz, Dorothy tapping her heels together three times"
Message: Going back.

Past promises and old habits may be a key topic of discussion over the next few days. Friends, relatives or close roommates will now need extra encouragement and support. For some Aquarians a trusted friend or lover will openly discuss their recent ideas or private opinions concerning a past social event. Misinterpreted flirtations, romantic jealousy and lingering doubts may play a vital role. If so, offer encouragement and use gentle humor to increase confidence: others now need to feel involved, accepted and understood. After mid-week a new colleague or work partner will ask for special favors or excess attention from authority figures. Remain quietly distant: at present, bosses and managers may overreact to inappropriate requests. Caution is best.

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