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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aguarius Pisces
Aries Taurus Gem Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp Sage Capri Aquar Pisces
For July 20-26, 2024
Aries Aries
(March 21-April 20)

Image: "At the circus, a tied bundle of bright yellow balloons"
Message: Belonging, acceptance, optimism.

Unique workplace proposals and renewed harmony between colleagues is on the agenda early this week. A recent wave of private politics or hidden agendas in business relationships will now steadily fade. Watch for a previously silent co-worker to now take the lead in a difficult project or reveal valuable information concerning other colleagues. Much of this will create a newly developing atmosphere of workable leadership and realigned priorities: pace yourself and listen for obvious signals of a new direction. Later this week romantic relationships and friendships may also be affected. Someone close will now reveal unexpected doubts or a previous history of social or romantic complications. If so, watch for powerful breakthroughs and newfound trust to soon arrive.

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