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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aguarius Pisces
Aries Taurus Gem Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp Sage Capri Aquar Pisces
For July 20-26, 2024
Pisces Pisces
(February 20-March 20)

Image: "In a sunny park, a gathering of children at the merry-go-round"
Message: Circles within circles.

Group events and family gatherings will now bring renewed confidence, acceptance and harmony in the home. Over the next few days loved ones will respond positively to shared ideas and social invitations. Use this time to resolve a recent phase of minor disputes, financial arguments or mistrust between relatives. No lasting or serious consequences are likely here, so not to worry. Watch, however, for others to soon express strong opinions and then feel a powerful need for group participation. Later this week a close colleague may ask for short-term changes to daily schedules or business assignments. Find time to explore all possibilities: at present, key officials will respond positively to new ideas and creative short-term suggestions.

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